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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. I


    Just a guess, but it might have something to do with Mitsubishi changing the size and dash layout on the i-Miev, making a specific to the US version of the Mitsubishi i-Miev and calling it the Mitsubishi i? Maybe :D
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    Mitsubishi i-Miev Interior Shot

    That is a good point! I hadn't even thought of the steering wheel placement. I was referring to the hvac controls - the three vertical knobs. In order to make more space in the US only Mitsubishi i, they put those 3 knobs vertical, where as the smaller rest of the world Mitsubishi i-Miev has...
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    Win a Mitsubishi iMiev (in Ireland)

    Northern Ireland energy company Cross Energy along with Donnelly Motors are giving away a Mitsubishi i-Miev! Mayor Freda Donnelly of Armagh says "I am pleased the council, together with our partners Donnelly Motors and Cross Energy are leading the way in promoting electric motoring in Northern...
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    Mitsubishi i-Miev Interior Shot

    That's a great shot (or rendering I guess). For bonus points, is this the Mitsubishi i-Miev or the US Mitsubishi i? And how can you tell? :)
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    Electric Vehicles in Thailand

    Pressure from mainstream automakers, including Mitsubishi with the soon-to-be-available Mitsubishi i-Miev, has made Eton Import move to import electric vehicles into Thailand. Eton Import has exlusive rights to sell Tesla Electric Vehicles in the country, and wanted to be the first to market in...
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    Review of US Pre-production Mitsubishi i-Miev got their hands on a pre-production US version of the Mitsubishi i-Miev (called the Mitsubishi i). Their overall impressions: "pleasantly quiet operation, quick off-the-line performance and the familiar lightness-of-being in knowing the car could help solve some of the world’s most...
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    iMiev Photos

    2012 Mitsubishi i-Miev Front Left View i-Miev Left side Mitsubishi i-Miev Interior and Dash (right hand drive) Another Dash picture of the Mitsubishi i-Miev i-Miev Front Wheel Mitsubishi i-Miev Shifter
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    Solar Charging Stations at Mitsubishi Headquarters

    Mitsubishi installed a solar charging system at it's North American headquarters. The total cost for the 2 110-volt chargers, one 220-volt charger, and one CHAdeMO charger was $130,000. Mitsubishi says the system can be ordered for public production. The investment is a sign that Mitsubishi is...
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    Mitsubishi i-Miev is wider in North America

    After initial testing and product launch of the Mitsubishi I Miev to the general public in Japan, Mitsubishi has ended up make the Mitsubishi i-Miev longer and wider for it's North American version. Partially due to people's preferences, the Mitsubishi i-Miev had to be wider to meet U.S. crash...
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    Montreal gets the Mitsubishi I-Miev

    Hydro-Quebec, one of Canada's largest hydro companies, is deploying 15 Mitsubishi I-miev electric vehicles to businesses in the suburbs of Montreal. The government owned utility states that this is the second phase of a larger program that begain in April 2010.The plan hopes to progress electric...
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    Reserve a 2012 Mitsubishi I (iMiev)

    Mitsubishi has opened up it's Mitsubishi I Electric car for reservations. The website devoted to all things to do with the Mitsubishi I-miev Electric vehicle is now accepting reservations and says the Mistubishi I will be available early 2012. According to the Mistubishi website, you can...
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    iMiev with 300 plus horsepower

    Anybody see this classified internal office document from Mitsubishi? I don't know where this came from, but if you take it at face value the Mistubishi i Miev Electric vehicle has some impressive specs! Apparently the Mitsubishi i Miev has 350bhp and a super all wheel control drive system :lol: