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  1. J

    long term review edmunds

    Well my blink charger tells me all kinds of information about the last charge or even the total power used for the month vs the last month. So far i have over 4000 miles on my car in about 2.5-3 months. Is the car fast no but does it do really good at what it is made to do which is cheap point...
  2. J

    How do You Drive your Miev?

    It depends how far i have to go for the day i have hyper miled the car with great results other days i run the AC and shift it like a manual between D and B mode i have not found a use for eco mode. But for the most part i keep things and the speed limit and getting there nice and steady amp...
  3. J

    Radio problem solved

    Mine had a issue like that but it would say Error DC 6 hours later the found a lose connector under the dash and we were back up and running.
  4. J

    G.E. Wattstation & Nissan Leafs

    I have a blink charger and it is fine with use of the remote.
  5. J

    How to install after market stereo in ES

    Good deal doing this has been on my list of things to do. The boat has been keeping me busy and poor so i have not got around to a stereo upgrade yet.
  6. J

    After market stereo

    I am waiting for the double din kits too i thought about going to the dealer to get the nav trim parts but thought that might be a bit expensive last i looked i could not find much on the car.
  7. J

    key fob

    Mine works through walls at home just fine with the car sitting outside (3 walls) but at work 50 yards and metal walls with lots of wiring is a no go.
  8. J

    Consumer Reports "Review"

    for me it was 130.00 in diesel every week vs .06kW and i use about 96kW per week it comes out to be 5.76 dollars. AKA the car makes its payment in diesel cost.
  9. J

    A funny story

    Mine starts to blink with 2 bars left and i have been down to 4 miles left and never saw the turtle mode kick in.
  10. J

    Residential Level 2 Charging Stations

    Depending on code in your area but here we needed a GFI for a spa on our 220 to make it to code in the garage. I ended up getting the Blink charger and did my own install too. It saves a lot of money in the long run.
  11. J

    I just got done rebuilding the anti MIEV 4000cc of 2 cycle mixed 50:1 gas to oil 8 single barrel carbs :)
  12. J

    Graphs of the power i have been using

    yeah i was thinking one thing typing another. I was thinking about there yearly fuel cost for the car which is based off of .11 per kW
  13. J

    Graphs of the power i have been using

    if i charge at 11:00pm to 7:00am we get power for .06 which is 1/2 what the epa 112mpge is based on.
  14. J

    Graphs of the power i have been using

    I had 72 miles on the 15.5kW of power used the information on the top is based on the life of the charger. I can not get all the information i want out of it the thing one thing i want to know is what is the dip in the charge graph about 1/2 way down i always get it. The peak at the far right...
  15. J

    Graphs of the power i have been using

    I am going to post every so often the data off my blink charger so people can see and comment as need be. I am a data person so i just like to see data and thought others might too. The dollars saved is a funny number they come up with i save way more then that vs driving the diesel truck...
  16. J

    Programming a USB Flash Memory for the Stereo

    I do folders and then the files under the folders that go in that album. you can move from folder to folder with the round button on the dash.
  17. J

    Cold Zone Package - i.e. battery warmer

    i have the cold package on my car but i have not ran the car in the winter yet so i can not tell you how it works. But i would hope when the car is plugged in it would heat the pack some for sure when things get 20 or less. Then when the car is sitting not plugged in i would think it will use a...
  18. J

    Fuel Gauge Question

    down to 2-3 bars almost every day and full charge every night. We will see how she does in the long term.
  19. J

    Maximum Range Remaining

    85 is a high as i have been but i have never had a tank of just in the city driving i am always out on the highway at some point.
  20. J

    Range question

    sounds like my drive is about the same as mine. I talked to management and we worked out a deal so i could use the 110v charger at work. I have not drove the car in the winter but in the summer the car makes the trip with no charge but it is really close each way and that is with running no A/C...