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  1. D

    I would like to set the charge current lower than 5A

    I use 14A carger. 3000W. If I see on canion, he show 2400W to battery.
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    The aftermarket cell replacement saga

    Spray foam is good temperature isolator. My opinion is, that will make battery warmer. Maybe will be better use some soft plastics tape to hold battery in position. Question. What 18650 you use and how pcs? And how solder? Because this is bad...
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    Upgrading the heating system to bioethanol or Diesel fuel

    My instalation Eberspacher Hydronic B4WS petrol version. Universal set from ebay. Under left wheel. No drill special whole. Use only empty existing hole. Destroy only one pipe (cut and short her) from pump to DC heater and add 20 cm new pipe. Now ION heater work like direct connection with hell...
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    Turtle at Half Charge Under Load?!?!?!

    Dealer not check cells voltage?
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    Yes. I dont khow, that is possible click in left side and chose. Thx a lot. Problem solved :) And question 2. If i have example power history and i select 24hour . It is possible zoom on specific area or not?
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    I use back and exit. I tried go some km, but trip timer all time empty. I dont know. Whot I need do to show data again?
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    Hello, anybody knows, why my my Trip Timer and my Trip Timer 2 is empty? Other menus working without problem.
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    iMiEV as workhorse

    Yesterday my Peugeot transpor apples from garden :) In planned is use him like a mobille battery. I need recharge my RC toys in model airport and in forest for recharge chainsaw battery.
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    Radio button ilumination

    Yes. opposite . Radio always do that. I have this car 3 days.
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    Radio button ilumination

    I make video.
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    Radio button ilumination

    Hello, I have question about original radio (Peugeot Ion) button ilumination. When I have only daylight lamp, button in radio iluminating. But if I switch ON regular night lamp, button on radio is dark. When i drive in night, i dont see button :) It is normal, or i have something wrong?
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    14.5kWh storage capacity?

    Thx for repply. I will try. Odblink come in monday :)
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    14.5kWh storage capacity?

    Hello, I have one question about my batery. I buy Peugeot Ion 2012 with almost 60 000 km. I still wait for obdlink mx for better diagnostic. But I make test today. If i connect chademo quick charger he told me start capacity 18%. Charger disconect at 82% and give me 7,5kWh. I worry about...
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    Charging from 48V DC

    Hello, anybody knows, is it possible charging electric car directly from 48V DC power source? I have on home sollar pannels with 48V 500Ah lifepo battery (usable 20 kWh energy). If I want charging car, I need use 5kW inverter from 48VDC to 230VAC and original car charger. This solution is...
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    Diagnostic battery before buy

    Ok, i buy in ebay OBDlink mx. For sure :)
  16. D

    Diagnostic battery before buy

    Hello, I want buy Citroen C-Zero 2012 with 28 000 km. But I have one question. Is it way how to check detail of battery? Health, min, max cells voltage. I have only cheap bluetooth adaptor OBD2 (ELM 327), or USB VAG OBD-II kabel kkl. Can I use that, or I need only ODBlink XL or similar? Thx a...