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Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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  1. P

    Mail survey

    Got mine about 1 1/2 yrs ago, after I bought the Miev. It was a verrrry long one that seemed more interested in my private life than satisfaction with the car. Tossed it after 1/2 hour. My conclusion: I think they are very curious about why Mievs aren't selling, so they contract with survey...
  2. P

    Mitsubishi announces $6K price drop on 2014 i-MiEV!!!

    What do you folks think of the recent price cut for the Miev - about 6K? If I bought now, the price, including CA and Fed rebates, would be about 13K ! Personally, I feel a bit ripped-off, having bought mine about 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I think Mitsubishi is getting desperate to move them. But it's...
  3. P

    broken remote control for charging

    I'm shocked that Mitsubishi is charging $900 for a replacement remote. The first time I get reamed by a manufacturer, I make a promise not to buy any more cars from them. Happened with GM when they tried to charge me $25 a gallon for antifreeze. And see what happened to GM ! Guess these...
  4. P

    So, in summary....

    It's obvious from the threads that dominate this site that the Miev isn't suited for cold weather climates. I would heartily recommend the Miev for moderate climates - like encountered in Japan, California, etc. It reminds me of my old VW bug that basically didn't have a heating or defrost...
  5. P

    Urgent -- I need 4 good i-MiEV stories for Plugin 2013.

    It was April, 2012. I had installed a solar system on the roof of the house, and a 220 charger in the driveway. We were going to look at electric cars that day. In the midst of spiking gas prices in California, Obama declared to the nation that, "There is no silver bullet for high gas prices"...
  6. P

    Charging outside in the rain

    There were a number of folks who had problems with charging in the rain. But they're not around anymore to complain. he he
  7. P

    Use of public chargers by PHEVs vs. BEVs

    C'mon folks - get real. I don't know what all the hullabaloo is about. The use of "courteous" guidelines won't work in this country. Many folks, once they plug in, don't come back until they are good and ready. Charges have to be like parking meters - overstay your allotted time and you will...
  8. P

    A Sign In The Right Direction

    Interesting idea. Maybe an answer to people hogging charging spots is to have a timer display that counts down from when a person first begins charging. If the person exceeds 2 hours, it turns red, and the car gets a parking ticket - very similar to a parking meter. I believe that relying on...
  9. P

    Risk in buying a second-hand i-Miev

    First of all, add to the price the cost of a new paint job. That one is a butt-ugly billboard! I've had our Miev for over a year now, with absolutely no problems. But..... given the current lack of a track record on batteries, I wouldn't gamble on one without a warranty. It appears that the...
  10. P

    AVAS Modification? (higher speed)

    For those of you in deer country, how about installing a deer whistle on the outside of the Miev? I don't even want to think about hitting one on the highway. You may end up with one in the passenger seat.
  11. P

    Anyone want a iMiEV?

    I believe that Normal, IL is the place that the Miev was initially introduced to the U.S. and went through it's trials. Looks like the town really likes them !
  12. P

    Level of charge for storage .. How long B4 runs down?

    When I reconnected the 12 volt battery, the number of bars was still at 3/4 charge level. Now, I'm not sure whether that reading reflected the last charge level before disconnection, or was updated upon reconnection. I assumed that it was an updated battery reading.
  13. P

    Level of charge for storage .. How long B4 runs down?

    Last summer we left the IMiev at home while on vacation. I charged it to about 75% and disconnected the 12 Volt battery. Upon return, I reconnected the 12 V battery. The main battery lost negligible charge. What a car ! BTW, we were gone for about 1 1/2 months.
  14. P

    Interesting conversation with service manager

    I took our Miev in for it's annual check-up yesterday. Unfortunately, the screwed-up, and their only certified tech was out. Had to reschedule the check-up. But the manager mentioned that Mitsubishi is coming-out with an electric that doubles the current range of the Miev. Anyone else hear...
  15. P

    Which Level 2 charge station to get for home?

    I've had the GE for over a year now, and had good service from it. It's simple and seemingly reliable. No remote or timer controls. An advantage to an L2 charger is that I can extend the daily range. For instance, I may use the car in the morning, starting with a full charge. After driving...
  16. P

    New Jersey Electric Vehicle Tax

    The California legislature is considering a bill to reduce licensing fees for ev's in order to facilitate sales. I suspect "red" and "blue" states will divide themselves on this issue...
  17. P

    Owners more then 100 miles from there dealer

    I wouldn't have purchased the Miev if it was out of range of a dealer. Luckily, we have at least three dealers within range in San Diego. My criteria for buying a car includes easy access to service.... It may not matter when it is new, but it will inevitably will - tires, brakes, and an...
  18. P

    What is the BEST outdoor all-weather Level II Charger?

    Our GE Wattstation makes a soft humming sound. Doesn't bother us at all...
  19. P

    $7500 tax credit problem

    Just finished taxes yesterday using Turbotax. It had no problem accepting the VIN number and completing the return. You may have to spring for the program to get the credit - which is well worth it.
  20. P

    What is the BEST outdoor all-weather Level II Charger?

    I second the GE Wattstation. I've used it for almost a year, with no problem. It is partially outside, under the eve of our house. GE will be around for a while for service / parts. Some other types - who knows? Super easy to use. Attractive. Well illuminated for nite use.