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  1. M

    Cooling water pump error P0C73

    "I don't know if it worked without any faults. But this fault was coming" Does that mean it's been faulty for as long as you have had the car ? What year, newer ones are 9499A408
  2. M

    Cooling water pump error P0C73

    Is this a new fault ? Or has it worked up to mow ? Mitsubishi part No. 7806A012. Yours appears to be for a Toyota Prius.
  3. M

    CCS1 and CCS2 --> CHAdeMO Adapters

    Is a Mitsubishi MIEV one of the brands/models that Tesla have opened up access to Superchargers in the USA?
  4. M

    Hello from Ireland!

    "best to buy a new 12V aux and charge it overnight" Good advice. A 12V Aux on it's last legs will cause all sorts of warning lights to come on. I've only ChaDeMo charged my MIEV once and it stopped at 60%, I guess when one cell reached max quicker than the others. After that I've not found a...
  5. M

    Motor unit warning lamp; Shifter Issues

    This one was wrong ?
  6. M

    Buy a used i-MiEV?

    Is this a US or Euro car, quite a bit different ? The 12V auxiliary battery under the hood can cause a multitude of problems if it's near end of life. Look for a date on top. Should measure 12.8V when the car is off, 14.5V when On, indicating it's being charged by the traction battery. Worn...
  7. M

    Poll: 16kWh Battery Purchase

    You think a Mitsubishi dealer will agree to install these cells ?
  8. M

    Need to buy new key case (iOn 2012)

    Loads on eBay. Case with uncut key.
  9. M

    Side mirrors fold while driving Peugeot Ion

    If both mirrors fold when the adjustment switch on the door is only on L or R. Then perhaps the key fob lock button is being nudged ?
  10. M

    Motor unit warning lamp; Shifter Issues

    In N, with the drill bit in place, can you still move the shift lever ? In other words, is there slack in the system that needs adjusting out ?
  11. M

    Problems with flashing "D" symbol

    Have you tried the B and C positions ? I run my UK I-MIEV in C all the time, least Regen setting. (Wish it had a zero Regen setting so that coasting is more easily available)
  12. M

    My 2014 iMiev went totally dark.

    Do US models start with a key inserted and turned in a lock ? A Mickey suggests. If the 12V Aux battery is too low in volts the 12V startup circuits won't be energised.
  13. M

    Charging randomly stops; energy level gauge 'slow'; hot weather problems

    As the car has the 30kWh replacement batteries etc from Oz Electric Vehicles., is this a Calibration issue ? For instance at about a third SOC, about 10kWh, it's showing 113km range. I'd expect far less than that ?
  14. M

    Where is ILL signal?

    When you switch the car lights on, the tail light relay sends +12V to B-104 pin 3 ?
  15. M

    i-Miev Cabin Heater stop heating

    Is there such a thing as a 12V Camping Heater ?
  16. M

    Where is ILL signal?

    What year is your C-Zero ? You can add that to your Profile. Here's the wiring for a 2011 I-MIEV:
  17. M

    Jakob N's Cell Change Thread

    "I will try to deplete the battery while not driving to far from home;" Finish off at home with the heater running ?
  18. M

    Where to find 2011 EU color code?

    Were the clones actually made in France, or were they imported and had badge and trim swaps ?
  19. M

    Car not going into ready mode

    I expect you have tried several times to move the key to ON. Then paused. Then moved the key to START, holding there until the car "bongs" ?
  20. M

    iMiev worth it?

    As I'm sure you're aware, the older the car the more the drive battery is likely to have lost capacity. So for a start, what range is showing on the dash when fully charged ? If it's showing 60 or more, you have a good chance of making it. If the range showing when you get to work is less than...