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  1. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    I still have not caught the nut. I placed a "I support America" american flag next to the i-miev's charging plug, in case the nut thinks that I'm anti-american for driving this new fangled electric car. I know some folks view electric cars as too radical and something only the anti-american...
  2. G

    Purchased today, on the way home :)

    If you ever really need to make it home and are not sure if you will, the best strategy is to go 20 to 25 mph. On a full charge you can achieve over 100 miles.
  3. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    8. Is unaware that solar/wind provide thousands more jobs than Keystone pipeline.
  4. G

    Chances of getting a new battery?

    Are your tires low? Are you driving at 70 mph? Are you blasting the heat or a/c? Is your commute up Pike's Peak? Have you done a lot of DC charging in hot weather?
  5. G

    Just bought a 2012 Mitsubishi I-MiEV ES

    I love the mpge. I love saying i get 112 mpg, for all intents and purposes. It blows people away, as it should. Then when I tell them I fuel up by plugging into my solar roof it's priceless!
  6. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    Good point. Maybe he doesn't like me and he's personally too fearful to confront me directly.
  7. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    I've thought of six possible reasons why the uni-unplugger is motivated to unplug. Please add any other reasons you can think of. 1. Supports the oil industry. 2. Does not support the coal industry (large percentage of NJ electric is generated from coal). 3. Hates the environment, Al Gore, etc...
  8. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    I don't like the idea of locking it to my car. That might just piss him off to the point that he would key my car or puncture the tires. We've already established that we are dealing with somebody with sociopathic tendencies.
  9. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    I like the idea of waiting for him out of sight and taking photos.
  10. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    UPDATE: He's unplugged me 5 times. It still shows 'charging' on the meter, plus he's not parked in the other spot reserved for electric vehicles, so I think he's just a local neighborhood *******. I notified the parking authority. They said they were going to start monitoring the location. I...
  11. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    He unplugged it within the last hour. I will increase my checking to every half hour instead of every hour. I also draped an American flag over the charging gun hoping that he will be less likely to be an ******* to a patriotic American. Then again, perhaps I've got this all wrong. Maybe he is...
  12. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    The Uni-Unplugger is at it again. For the second time this week I've been unplugged. Sadly, it was early in the morning again so I lost all those charging hours. I notified the parking authority, they said they would do more patrols. There are no cameras. Where are the cameras when you need...
  13. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    Yes, i think it was most likely a 'rolling coal' type of *******. I may remove my "Bernie" sticker and replace it with an American Flag sticker. Rolling coal ******** seem to be cool with american flags. I thought they were cool with First Amendment - Freedom of Speech, but maybe I gave them...
  14. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    Well, as early adopters we will all be potentially subject to blowback from people who feel threatened or uneasy with change. I would think that the worst blowback would come from people who work in the oil industry. Most other people should recognize the overall positive of electric vehicles...
  15. G

    Some dude unplugged my I-miev

    We got two new charging parking spaces in our parking deck. The spots are clearly marked on the floor and the wall and there is a glowing charge box on the wall. ICE cars were parking there. I started putting slips of paper under their windshields which stated "this parking space is for electric...
  16. G

    Latest Price of 2012 iMiev sold on eBay - $4,999

    Let's be serious. It's a great price. I haven't seen anything lower and I've been looking for 2 years.
  17. G

    My Solar Powered I-Miev

    I created a car magnet about 6" wide of this image and placed it on the back of my i-miev so that people who see it can learn that solar powered cars are here.
  18. G

    2016 Mitsubishi iMiev - Exterior and Interior Walkaround

    Great history of the i-miev.....
  19. G

    Solar powered electric car predicted back in 1958

    the IGY showed what good progress could be made when people collaborated together. Sharing information creates quick exciting progress.
  20. G

    Solar powered electric car predicted back in 1958

    Solar powered cars were predicted in 1958. Finally, they are here.