Oh, second question? I plug in at Woolworths and might get a few kms in an hour. From what I read on this forum a short charge like this might reduce the life of the battery for an old iMiev like mine? Better to charge when down to 2 bars (10 km) and then let it charge from midnight until it's...
Hi Peter, I really like your suggestions and will follow up. The first idea will require a sparkie and I can have the timer shipped here. Tuya idea lifts the convenience to a new high. Apparently they won't ship to NZ, but at least I have something to search for here.
Once again, REALLY...
Super idea. I have been manually starting the charging process at midnight and then manually turning it off with the external outlet switch around 07:00 well past when it's charged. I usually check out the interface on the charger to see how many KW were used. Nonetheless, I will now get into...
Hi! I've been thinking about your point. I go to the grocery store and plug into the charger because it's free. When I get back - maybe 30-45 minutes later - I unplug. This means I am interrupting the charging process. There are heaps of people doing this, especially Nissan Leafs. Of course...
That's really helpful. I had read some other stuff about over charging but don't think Mitsubishi build any programmable stuff into this 'Tonka' van. Nonetheless, was impressed to learn there is some sort of cooling when the battery is being charged. I learned quite a bit from the comments that...
Yes, In NZ like OZ and maybe the EU we have a 3 pin with the ground a wide blade. (Not a techie person, here) Nonetheless, I think , after what I heard from you chaps, I might be able to (again) use an off-the-shelf 24 hour timer rated at 15 amps to start charging at midnight and stop at 06:00...
This is very helpful. I was thinking of having the timer kick in at Midnight and stop at 06:00 but didn't think about other issues such as you mention. I did wonder if the iMiev is programmed to stop charging at ~80% to prevent over charging / reducing the life of the battery. Do you know if...
I have a 2011 iMiev in New Zealand.
1. I asked my 'sparkie' to look at the expensive (15 amp) timer I was using as it looked a bit 'toasted and had a crack where the charging extension line was attached. He said the reason my timer looked a bit suspicious was because the outside, mains 3 pin...
My sparky caught something just in time because the timer I had to charge my iMiEV (at the lowest KW charging rate after midnight) wasn't suitable and was actually starting to crack it's moulded case through excessive heat buildup I guess. It was the most expensive one offered at the...
This is awesome!! I didn't think there would be a reply, so mucked about and figured it out. The AA battery was $80 more the SCA, but I'm back on the road. A huge thanks Bruce because this manual will be VERY helpful in the future.