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  1. piev

    CAN Network Reverse Engineering | Creating DBC | iMiEV

    I guess I don't understand what you are attempting to accomplish. The documentation thus far is very good and we know most of what goes on in the CAN messages.
  2. piev

    CAN Network Reverse Engineering | Creating DBC | iMiEV

    PID 149: Rotation = (PID[5] * 256 + PID[4] - 32934) / 32.934; PID 200: if (PID[2] < 255) Speed1 = (PID[2] * 256 + PID[3] - 49152) / 19.0; if (PID[4] < 255)...
  3. piev

    Traction battery Modules replacement Outlander PHEV

    Yes, connect 12v and ground along with CAN-H and CAN-L. when connected to a module the CMU will spit out messages. First byte D1 is Module number. Time Stamp ID Extended Dir Bus LEN D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 160758029 651 FALSE Rx 0 8 5 00 40 40 01 83 01 83 160758347 652 FALSE Rx 0 8 5 3F...
  4. piev

    CMU Board : notes, eprom, cell re-numbering, CAN messages

    Not home now but pretty sure those are the formulas I used. Double checked and according to excel my numbers are correct. =((HEX2DEC(H3)-50)*9/5)+32 =2.1+((256*K2+L2)/200) Unless you can see an error Never mind I see it. forgot to convert to decimal first. =2.1+(256*HEX2DEC(K2)+HEX2DEC(L2))/200
  5. piev

    CMU Board : notes, eprom, cell re-numbering, CAN messages

    Hooked up to a Module and took a data dump Time Stamp ID Extended Dir Bus LEN D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 Column1 Module Temp Temp Temp Voltage Voltage 160758029 651 FALSE Rx 0 8 5 00 40 40 01 83 01 83 5 57.2 57.2 3.795 3.795 160758347 652 FALSE Rx 0 8 5 3F 3F 00 01 82 01 82 5...
  6. piev

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    Pretty sure you can do this with the CAN bridge. I know the OBDZero app can monitor the charge profile so the data has to be on the bus. Does it go from the battery to the ECU or through the BMS. Pretty sure it goes through the BMS in which case you could change the current being requested. I do...
  7. piev

    CMU CAN ‘spoofing’

    I did that too but only until I got the BMU to ECU bridge figured out. //Reads all traffic on CAN0 and forwards it to CAN1 (and in the reverse direction) but modifies some frames first. // Required libraries #include "variant.h" #include <due_can.h> //Leave defined if you use native port...
  8. piev

    CMU CAN ‘spoofing’

    Ok, I had to read a little to refresh my mind. So, P1A52 is a cell voltage error from CMU01. There are two ways to spoof this 1) put a bridge between the BMU and CMU to change this data 2) I believe you can also put a bridge between the ECU and the BMU. In the case of the 2) I think the code...
  9. piev

    CMU CAN ‘spoofing’

    I already did this because I had a failed CMU board. Not sure if I posted the code. I will look and if I can’t find it on this forum I will post it here.
  10. piev

    Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV using CATL93Ah cells

    Hello Mike, I made an inquiry and the supplier says these are the original Yuasa Cells. I will attempt to acquire some but minimum purchase was 16 cells. Maybe they will send a sample.
  11. piev

    Making a custom battery pack for MiEV

    Sounds like a good idea. I believe you will discover that packaging a battery is harder than finding cells that fit the package. Adapting the battery case is not a simple task.
  12. piev

    The aftermarket cell replacement saga

    I will be surprised, they generally only sell to OEMs.
  13. piev

    Juanjo Madrid's cell replacement thread

    You may be correct. I do know that it has information in it like serial number and model number software version etc. I would have to look it up because I can't remember specifics. Of course, I don't know if the ECU uses this information, so it may work to swap them. Maybe I will try it next...
  14. piev

    Juanjo Madrid's cell replacement thread

    Hey Mickey, If you swap BMU's it has to be reprogrammed with the the now VIN number or the ECU has to be reprogrammed to accept it. I've not done it before so I don't know the procedure but I know it checks all this information before it talks to it. There is a function to reprogram in the MUT...
  15. piev

    Solved: P1A46 on 2012 with 18 recently swapped stock cells. Drives but won't charge.

    The reason this occurs is the new cells produce higher currents that the weak cells cannot handle and the Voltage sags so much you get a turtle. I have seen worse things happen than this… on a homemade pack a guy I know replaced half of the pack with new cells and melted the wires between the...