Hello. The glitter and fragments could be from the wrecked bearing. I would think that a worn ball or roller bearing could (have been before it broke into fragments) be the bearing slowly deteriorating. This would be cheaper to replace than gears. What mileage has the car done? A bearing should...
Hello Chi-Indo, I see you were using a Carsoft Multi system Sanner i909. I found it for about 154€ but on the site they say it is for Mitsubish/Mazda, or am I wrong? This may cost more than the dongles (110€) suggested by other members but having the Scanner with necessary software integrated...
Bonjour Bruce,
Indeed, you appear to be a believer in french cars. Funnily enough french cars, outside of france of course don't have a fantastic reputation. In France Peugeot is considered the most reliable. Personally I go for German reliability and solidity.
I received the water pump...
Hi Bruce,
Thanks a hell of a lot for your effort in answering in such detail. I just ordered a second hand pump from a company not too far from here (I live in south western France) for 60€. They take in wrecks etc. and tested the pump after removal from, in this case, a total loss vehicle...
Have you (Bruce and philsuth) made any further progress on the coolant pump issue? I did some further testing and came up with results different from yours, philsuth. When the car is READY or during charging I measure (with a simple voltmeter, haven't tried an oscilloscope yet) the following...
I just joined this forum and must admit that the jargon/acronyms are not always self explanatory.For other newcomers this might help:
Hello, is anyone still on this thread. I recently started having the yellow car with exclamation mark lighting up, both after driving about 10kms or during charging. There are no symptoms: car starts, runs and charges normally. I am 95% certain it is related to the coolant pump not running...