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  1. M

    p1a12 fault

    Hello, I have the same faultcode with one of my cars. And try to find out how to fix it. Did you already did it? And replacing the OBC V110 with the newer Version V100 is simple. You need to make a few changes with the old plugs on the new one, but it should be no Problem.
  2. M

    [ The P1A15 Troubleshooting Thread ] No READY. P1A15 error. Condenser charge timeout.

    Hey ho I tryed the setup I attach and it worked well. Thanks for all the information to get to that point.
  3. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Okay people, I hope this time the drive document is working. I desoldered the waffleplate once again and measured with the LCR T4 Mega compents tester the like I draw in here. So does someone knows, if there...
  4. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    There I have 0 ohms. Is this correct?
  5. M

    Peugeot iOn, 04/2011, 49k km, for SALE or spares or EV project

    Hey Lauras, Is the car still available? Or only the second top Board of the Charger Module? That would be very helpful for me. Because you are so far away I think I am unable to buy the whole car:( Best regards Zoltán
  6. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Thanks for the answer, but where is N1 and P1?
  7. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey People, Karel are you able to make a drawing, of what you did and with which parts? Now my problem after changing D301 and checking, that the relay is fine, is that the ceramic resistor I used ( ) blowed 2 times while testing...
  8. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey Kenny, Thank you so much for the best support! You do a great Job. I have the Android App "Car Scanner" for the DTC-faultcodes. I'm not sure, if I have the pro Version for a few euros to delete the DTC codes. You need to set Mitsubishi I Miev (not necessary, if you have Citroen or...
  9. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Why do you suspect the diode? If it were shorted then the reading would not show 60 Ohms; if it were open it would show the 60 Ohms, then it would not prevent the relay from operation, but it would lack the freewheeling diode protection when commanded to OFF. To test the relay you must put +5V...
  10. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey, I'am located in Germany. I have three others cars like this, but they are in small carsharing use. But for short I'am able to check and change some components. A new 4,7 ohms resistor I odered. While Testing the Relay, I think I blown D301. If I measure now while this is built in, I...
  11. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey People, I'am not enough into electrical components, to repair this thing alone. So I would like to know, if here a some people, who would try to repair it as a job for money. Because the car without charging unit is not that usefull. I would be happy about every tip.
  12. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey People thank you for your Advice. I measured with the LCR T4 Mega: N0 to T7 Uf=474 mV C=474 pF N0 to T8 Uf=474 mV C=471 pF T7 to T8 Uf= / mV C=260pF T6 to T5 Uf= / mV C=300pF T7 to T6 Uf=945 mV C=322pF T7 to T5 Uf=945 mV C=330pF T8 to T6 Uf=941 mV C=324pF T8 to T5 Uf=941 mV C=330pF...
  13. M

    The Troubleshooting and Repair for On-board Charger (OBC) Thread

    Hey People, I tried to repair my third OBC, but stupid like people sometimes are, i reversed the L and The Y1 and then the ac-circuitbreaker B16 shuted the device of. Since that i am unable to charge and at this time not sure anymore, how exactly the situation was, when i plugged the AC-cable...
  14. M

    Norway: Traction battery + other parts - '11 Ion aka i-MiEV

    Do you have the On Board Charger left Best regards Zoltán