I was a lifelong leadfoot until I got religion after purchasing my Gen1 Honda Insight which now sports a lifetime 77.5mpg for over 80K miles. I'm afraid I have a Jekyll and Hyde relationship with our iMiEV, as on short trips I simply roar around showing off the fact that EVs are no slouches whereas on longer trips I become a hypermiler...
Since I've been beaten in the honorable maximum RR category (RR=96), here is my record-setting attempt at the ignominious minimum RR category, showing 16 bars and only RR=48 after a full recharge, the aftermath of a 40-mile very high speed freeway round trip.
Since I've been beaten in the honorable maximum RR category (RR=96), here is my record-setting attempt at the ignominious minimum RR category, showing 16 bars and only RR=48 after a full recharge, the aftermath of a 40-mile very high speed freeway round trip.