Third i-MiEV in Family

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Staff member
Dec 15, 2011
Hills above Silicon Valley, California
I started this new topic after previously posting this in the Future Battery Replacement thread... I've become acutely aware that topic titles make is sooo much easier to find things on this forum.

All this talk about battery replacement got me rather concerned about possible future availability, so I ran off and bought a spare battery pack ... trouble is, it came wrapped inside an immaculate showroom-condition (not a scratch anywhere!) 16.7K-mile SE Premium with Nav and backup camera and CHAdeMO and excellent tires as well and with all those other useless things like Remote and EVSE... ;) The Ford dealer had taken it as a trade-in and had no idea what to do with it (it's been sitting way in the back on his lot for a while), so I took it off his hands after showing him a bunch of recent online listings during the negotiations ... :shock: I think it's a rare case where we're both satisfied. Suffice it to say it was much less than what I paid for the (almost) identical car in December - I say 'almost', because this one does not have the backup alarm. ;) Gawd, this is really off-topic - I'll post pictures in the appropriate thread after I get the decals on. No- wait - it IS on-topic: I purchased a future replacement battery with wheels attached. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :twisted:


How can people drive 16,000 miles for three years and not put one single even itty-bitty scratch on the car, either outside or inside?
I'm jealous.... wanna sell me the remote ?

You will have to now put stickers on the front and back #1, #2, #3
Darn, and I was almost the first to have 3 (complete) i-MiEVs :lol: . I almost bought that salvage white/blue SE listed in another thread, but was unable. No better way to have a spare battery than to have a spare car, now you have a spare everything.

What will the name be on #3?
#3 has been duly named Moto. It will retain its black antenna, whereas Mitsi has a pink antenna and Mitti has a blue one. Notice in the photo above that the pink antenna is missing :eek: which I just noticed yesterday evening (wife says the radio works ok without it). I had a differently-shaped antenna in the garage I just put on (with pink shrink sleeving over it), but it is a complete mystery as to what happened to the original.

Sorry tigger19687, won't part with that Remote :cry:

Crawling all over this 'new' car today - didn't want to show too much savvy when buying it yesterday. Incredibly clean throughout.
Now he's got triplets! and all with the same paint scheme too--what's the odds on that...

Best kept secret in EV's, great catch Joe!
I guess someone wanted a pink antenna on their pink bug :roll: . Sorry for the loss.

I noticed that the actual antenna makes almost no difference to the radio. The cable picks up most of the signal, though I did come across an i-MiEV once with a long antenna mounted.

Taking the wipers off sure makes the front end clean, both visually and aerodynamically.

Mitsi, the Moto Mitti :lol: :p .
OK, here are a few photos. Note the (longer) pink antenna - it is noisier (wind noise) than OEM :( , so I'll be looking to replace it. Apologies, as I had no intention of being a Tall Poppy but simply wanted to show the i-MiEVs off... :? The cost of all my cars put together is still far less than one Tesla. Note the variation in sticker placement from an aesthetic perspective.


Did you spot the deer that wandered up as I was taking the photos?



Note the lush California grass lawn.


Obligatory pose by the solar panels (note the front sticker looks better being lower on the bumper);
Note also the three different windshield wiper configurations:


Three Sparrows are part of the flock:


As an aside, last Sunday I was invited to a fundraiser for a budding local politician aspiring to state office, and as part of his presentation he advocated a tax on every electric vehicle... :shock:
JoeS said:
As an aside, last Sunday I was invited to a fundraiser for a budding local politician aspiring to state office, and as part of his presentation he advocated a tax on every electric vehicle... :shock:
What a jerk. Name him and shame him?

We had some nonsense like that next door in Virginia, IIRC -- supposedly to compensate for the lack of gas tax -- but I think it's been repealed. (Here in Maryland there's a $3000 tax credit on new EVs, on top of the federal credit.)
Ok is it just me or does the one (with the longer pink antenna) seem to have a bigger windshield ?
Maybe it is just the angle, but it looks "taller" then the others in the 3rd, 4th, 5th pics.
Kinda like the windshield and top are not as Flat as the others.

... I am just starting my 1st cup of coffee... so maybe that is it.
He must be a computer dude and has his windshield wipers set like serial port parity bits-- 1,none or 2.

That was nice of Bambi to stop by for a visit...
tigger19687 said:
Ok is it just me or does the one (with the longer pink antenna) seem to have a bigger ... not as Flat as the others.
... I am just starting my 1st cup of coffee... so maybe that is it.

That's just the lay of Joe's creatively-sculptured land.

Regarding the EV Tax. Here in WA State, we pay a $150/yr EV FEE added to vehicle registrations to make up for lost gas tax, meaning that the average EV'er pays more than a Prius driver. It sailed through as a 'fee' rather than a 'tax', but Seattle EVA managed to preserve the EV sales tax exemption, which is far more valuable.

As of yesterday, that EV sales tax exemption is slated to drop back to only those new EVs that list under $35k, so EVen a top-tier LEAF would start paying sales tax...
Congrats Joe! You really love the i-Miev!!! My kids and I love the car too. I hope Mitsubishi will continue to support I-Miev and make it affordable to replace the battery in the future.

Your combined EV mile capability exceeds a Tesla S range. I thought about getting a second iMiEV to do the round robin ;)